Dear Mamas & Mama Lovers,
I recently participated in a panel discussion about infertility and its affects, especially in regard to how infertility impacts Black women. It was an incredibly vulnerable and transparent conversation, where myself and the other panelists shared about the pain of infertility and pregnancy loss.
I'm struck after the conversation by how many women are struggling and suffering in silence with the pain and heartbreak of infertility, not recognizing that many other indiviuals are struggling with this issue as well. In fact, infertility affects 1 in 6 people worldwide according to the World Health Organization (WHO).
Additionally, Black women are twice as likely to struggle with infertility issues as compared to their white non-Hispanic counterparts, yet, they are also half as likely as white women to get connected to the fertility services and reproductive health care that they need.
Infertility affects 1 in 6 people worldwide
This month is World infertility Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness around the important issue of infertility and how many couples that it affects. As I reflect on this issue and the number of couples and indiviuals worldwide affected, I can't help but think of how many babies have been born through the modern medical miracle of in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and other reproductive assistive aids.
In fact, I learned that over 80,000 babies are born annually just here in the United States, through the use of IVF (its over 500,000 babies worldwide!). These are couples who have been given the gift of family; women who have been given the incredible gift of motherhood; who otherwise would have been denied this life-changing privilege.
In this post Roe vs. Wade world that we are living in, where reproductive health care and a woman's right to choose have become political issues, it is more important than ever to speak up and speak out for reproductive healthcare for all and women's rights.
Over 80,000 babies are born yearly here in the United States, through the use of IVF
Regardless of whether you are excited to vote or not, we must vote. We must also advocate and support reproductive rights in our own way, whether by donating to organizations like Broken Brown Egg in support of infertility awareness, writing letters to our elected officials demanding protection for women's rights and for the rights of families, or advocating in some other way, we must take a stand for reproductive health protections and womens rights.
In this post Roe vs. Wade world it is more important than ever to speak up and speak out for reproductive healthcare for all and women's rights.
A woman's body and the process she needs to go through to bear a child is not, and should never be a political issue. A couple that wants to become a family, or a family that wants to grow, is not, and should never be a political issue.
Infertility and pregnancy loss are real and it affects real women and families and their feelings must be considered.
I invite you to listen to a recording of our panel discussion. I pray that it provides education, as well as comfort for all those who are struggling with this issue.
Thank you to RAD Fertility for the incredible oppurtunity to share our stories as panelists and to highlight this important issue. Thank you as well to Lindsay Griffin for moderating this discussion and bringing this conversation to the community.
Thank you to my amazing fellow panelists Tanerra Willis and Representative Kendra Johnson for your transparency and vulnerability in sharing your stories. Last but certainly not least, thank you to Ashley Kontra, our clinician panelist, for providing education and insight as a provider and for the work you do to make the miracle of family and motherhood a reality for many.
To any one struggling with the pain, anger, grief, shame and confusion of infertility and pregnancy loss, know that it is not your fault and you are not alone.
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